A seven-island lake
Total area of the islands – 428.00 ha. Viskūži island (the largest lake island in Latvia, 309.2 ha), is located between Lūžņērte and Baznīcērte. The relative elevation of the island is 10.5 m; the highest part of the island is 16-18 metres above the lake level. Length – 3 km, width – 1.5 km, area 3.1 km2. It cannot be truly called uninhabited though, because the “Pārupji” farmstead is located on its southern side. The island is a part of the Viskūži natural protected area and its protection plan was created in 2004. The 200 m wide strait between Viskūži island and the shore is called Amjūdzupe.

Moricsala (83.10 ha), relative height – 7.0 m, protected since 1912. Lielalksnīte (33.3 ha), relative height – 4.4 m. Mazalksnīte (1.9 ha), relative height – 1.6 m. Zossaliņa (0.8 ha), relative height – 0.1 m. Dvīnītes (0.002 ha), two temporarily inundated islands, relative height – -0.1 m.